Health Check

HPV Genital Warts: Symptoms, Causes and Detection

Written By Pooja Rajesh - January 03, 2024
Read Time - 4 min read

The Human PapillomaVirus 

HPV or Human Papilloma Virus is a group of more than 200 viruses. The HPV infection is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the world. Therefore, most sexually active individuals are likely to get HPV infection sometime in their lives.1 While most strains of HPV do not cause complications, some may result in HPV genital warts.2 Yet, nearly 24 high-risk strains of Human Papillomavirus can cause cancer too.3

Before moving ahead, let us first understand how HPV infection spreads. HPV infection spreads through direct skin-to-skin contact during vaginal, anal, or oral unprotected sex4 with an infected person without a condom or dental dam. Apart from this, HPV can also pass from an infected mother to child during childbirth (also known as vertical transmission). This is because the virus can be present in the mother's genital tract and can infect the child during delivery.5 However, this is a rare occurrence. Now, before moving further, we must know about the symptoms which can indicate HPV infection. Let us learn about them here.

What Are The Symptoms Of HPV Infection?

As discussed above, HPV infection generally does not demonstrate a lot of symptoms.2 Due to this, one may even remain unaware of their infection. While there are some symptoms in a few cases, these may vary with the type of HPV strain. Let us talk about them now.

One of the most common symptoms of HPV is genital warts.6 Now, the critical question is, what are ‘HPV genital warts’? 

HPV genital warts are soft growths that appear on the genitals. Out of the 200 HPV strains, types 6 and 11 are the most common HPV strains linked to genital warts. Hence, while not all strains of HPV cause genital warts, some HPV strains can. HPV genital warts can cause pain, discomfort, and itching. Most warts are flesh-colored or gray painless growths or lumps in the vagina, penis, anus, or upper thighs.7 However, warts might be difficult to notice if they appear in intimate areas.

There are strains of HPV that do not result in warts8, and it's estimated that around 90% of individuals infected with HPV do not develop genital warts. Therefore, only about 10% of those with HPV can transmit the virus through sexual contact.6 Additionally, some people may mistake benign skin conditions like moles or skin tags for warts. In these situations, seeking advice from a medical professional is the most appropriate course of action.

Therefore, the answer to the big question- ‘Do genital warts indicate HPV?’ is YES. 

Now that we know the symptoms, we must also know how to stay away from HPV infection. Let us learn about them here.

What Are The Preventive Measures For HPV Infection?

It is an open secret that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Hence, preventing the infection from spreading is easier than curing the disease later. Several things can help decrease the risk of HPV infection. Let’s discuss them in-depth.

Different kinds of vaccines are available to prevent certain fatal strains of HPV causing HPV genital warts and thus leading to cancer. It is generally recommended to get jabbed with HPV vaccine at the age of 11-12 years to prevent HPV infection. Please note that if you are not vaccinated at a younger age, then you must definitely get it done before you turn 26.9,10

Another way of preventing the infection from spreading includes the use of a barrier, like a condom during every sexual intercourse.2 However, this may not be the best alternative, as HPV can infect areas not covered by the barrier but it can definitely lower the risk of transmission.11

Then, what is the way out? One of the best ways to maintain sexual health and stay away from sexually transmitted infections is to get regular STI tests done. A person with an active sexual life must get tested for STIs regularly, even in the absence of any symptoms. High risk HPV strains like 16 and 18 do not usually show any initial symptoms but may cause precancerous changes in the cells leading to cancer.3 Also, HPV infection rarely shows any symptoms initially but persistent one can cause cervical cancer in the long term, making screening very crucial.9 However, there are some evident HPV symptoms like swollen glands, bleeding, and pain that could be the signs of an infection turning into cancer.3


To sum up, it's crucial to understand that HPV genital warts are a common symptom caused by certain low-risk strains of Human Papillomavirus6, while long-term untreated high-risk HPV infection can lead to cervical cancer in women.3 This highlights the importance of regular screening to detect HPV, especially since it can often go unnoticed due to a lack of symptoms. 

Fortunately, the LifeCell HPV Test -Female provides a reliable and convenient method to check for the presence of 24 high-risk HPV strains that can cause cervical cancer, all from the comfort of your own home. Furthermore, utilizing the advanced RT-PCR method, the test yields prompt and precise results within 48 hours of the sample's arrival at the laboratory. It's also crucial to note that our test is specifically designed to detect high-risk HPV strains and is not equipped to identify low-risk strains that cause genital warts.

So it's time to take proactive steps to detect and treat HPV early on and protect yourself from the serious health consequences of untreated HPV infection. Don't hesitate any longer, get screened with the LifeCell HPV test kit today and take control of your health!



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