Can Pregnant women eat Hyderabadi Biryani?

Yes, pregnant women can savor Hyderabadi biriyani as long as it is freshly prepared, cooked properly, and has moderate spices. Biriyani is a rich source of carbs, proteins, and good calories.1,2

However, pregnant mothers should strictly refrain from eating day-old biryani to reduce the risk of contracting any foodborne illness. It is also important to ensure that the biryani is not contaminated with other foods, reducing the risk of cross-contamination.

In conclusion, pregnant women should always consult with their doctor before consuming any new food. Just as consuming nourishing foods during pregnancy is crucial for your own well-being and that of your growing baby, preserving your baby's cord blood stem cells at the time of birth can help safeguard not only your baby but your entire family from the impact of many medical conditions for years to come.

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