2 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms, Baby Size, Foods to Eat and Tips

2nd Week Pregnancy Highlights

Ready, set…!

That’s right, because - you’re ovulating! You’re at the most fertile stage and there’s a high chance of you conceiving this week if you try.

What You Need To Do

Keep an ovulation calculator as a reminder to help you hit the bull’s eye!

Partner Focus

Agreed, you’re excited. But, don’t make this moment mechanical by constantly badgering your partner about your ovulation details. Instead, try to go with the flow and keep it as natural as possible.

Your Baby’s Development
During Week 1


Week 2
Baby’s Growth

How Big is Your Baby?

At the end of week two, following the end of your menstrual cycle, the body gears up for ovulation to take place. Now the released egg is ready to be fertilized with the surviving sperms. The fertilization happens within the 24 hours window of ovulation.


Finally, you have conceived. Here’s one more surprise- the moment fertilization occurs, your baby’s gender will be determined.

Mother’s Changing Body:
What to Expect


Your body produces crazy amounts of progesterone that prepares your uterus.

Your body also secretes follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) to mature the eggs for fertilization.

Your uterus lining (which nourishes the baby) starts to develop. Even with all these busy activities, you won’t feel discomfort, not like how a new mum feels at a later stage of pregnancy.

2nd Week Pregnancy Symptoms

Due to ovulation, you may feel

Pregnancy Tips for Week 2


While there isn’t a baby growing yet, your body is getting ready to nurture one. So,

  • You must eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly
  • Avoid getting stressed
  • It is during this period when you’re most fertile, so make sure you are on track to achieve a successful pregnancy

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