Weeks to go!
First Ultrasound!
This will be your first prenatal visit and you might have your first ultrasound during this visit. Your baby’s heart may start beating by next week!
Important announcement
Since your pregnancy is confirmed and you get a few tell-tale signs like nausea, vomiting, etc., you may choose to announce it to your near and dear ones, if you wish.
Pregnancy Milestone
At week 5, you’re into your second month!
weight (g)
0.1 g
Length (cm)
0.34 cm
Approximate size
Orange Seed
Your baby is now the size of an Orange seed!
By week 5, you must have missed your period and checked the pregnancy through home pregnancy tests. It is time to visit a gynaecologist to confirm the baby’s presence in the womb. Right now your baby looks like a tadpole growing vigorously!
Baby’s Length: 0.25 cm
Baby’s Weight: 0.1 g
During this period, you may experience mild physical discomfort as the body is preparing to nurture and develop your little prince or princess.
Women with irregular menstrual cycles might not know that these symptoms are due to pregnancy and it will take a few more days for them to discover it.
No symptoms?
Don’t worry. Many women don’t feel anything yet this week. In fact, most early pregnancy symptoms don’t start until next week
Tender breasts
This is usually one of the first signs of pregnancy and starts between 4 to 6 weeks and lasts till the end of the first trimester.
Many women may feel exhaustion and tiredness but for others, they may be all charged up!
Nausea or vomiting
Morning sickness is not unheard of. It can start as early as 4 weeks but usually appears around 6 weeks.
Frequent urination
This can be caused by the growing size of the uterus as well as hormonal changes in the body.
Excessive saliva secretion
Although excessive salivation is not a very common symptom, women who are experiencing morning sickness can still feel saliva build-up in the mouth.
Mood swings
You may also experience mood swings that might accompany you throughout your pregnancy. These mood swings are usually similar to PMS symptoms.
Food craving and aversions
Again caused by hormonal changes in the body, many women experience this as an early sign. Morning sickness or nausea can further lead to food aversions.