7 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms, Baby Development, Foods to Eat and Tips


Weeks to go!

7th Week Pregnancy Highlights

Shape Of You!

Your baby’s finally gaining some shape with the baby’s eyes, ears, and mouth getting more defined! Arm and legs buds too start growing long.

Important Tests

Time for first-trimester prenatal tests that include double marker test, IDT (Infectious Disease Testing), and NT (Nuchal Translucency) ultrasound. Check with your doctor for more details.

What To Avoid

At this stage, avoid consuming mercury-rich fish like mackerel, swordfish, etc.

Pregnancy Milestone

At week 7, you’re in the second half of your second month!

Your Baby’s Development
During Week 7


Week 7
Baby’s Growth

weight (g)

0.5 g

Length (cm)

1.3 to 1.8 cm

Approximate size


How Big is Your Baby?

Your baby is now about the size of a blueberry!

This week, your baby is in the process of becoming a little genius with the brain developing at a speed of 100 brain cells per minute. Your baby measures about 1.3 - 1.8 cm in size and slowly develops heart, arm & leg buds. The facial structure forms tiny spots which will develop into eyes, nostrils, mouth and early teeth buds. Your baby’s permanent set of kidneys starts to develop this week.

Baby’s Length: 1.3 to 1.8 cm

Baby’s Weight: 0.5 g

Mother’s Changing Body:
What to Expect


Here comes the relief! There are no additional pregnancy symptoms on the 7th week of pregnancy except for the already existing ones. However-

Your body might undergo some physical changes such as gaining a few extra kilos

Blame your hormones for swollen breasts but they are preparing your body for the process of breastfeeding in about 33 weeks from now

7th Week Pregnancy Symptoms

The pregnancy symptoms you’ll experience this week include plenty of morning-sickness related ones including -

Pregnancy symptoms vary from one pregnant woman to another. If you feel any irritation or pain, consult your gynaecologist for a better understanding.

Pregnancy Tips for Week 7

  • Gaining a few kilos during pregnancy is quite normal. Try loose and easy-to-wear clothes as your tummy will grow bigger in the coming months.
  • You can also sign up for prenatal care sessions conducted by doctors and trained professionals to ease your pregnancy and childbirth fears.
  • Food aversion might take a toll on your body and cause exhaustion and nausea. Stay on a well-balanced diet and avoid food from outside.
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