8 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms, Baby Development, Foods to Eat and Tips


Weeks to go!

8th Week Pregnancy Highlights

Head, shoulders… fingers, toes!

Your baby’s padded feet and hands start sprouting tender fingers and toes.

Time For Bra-Shopping

As your body starts preparing for upcoming breastfeeding duties, now’s the right time to buy those good-fitting maternity bras.

Pregnancy Milestone

At week 8,you’re at the fag end of your second month!

Your Baby’s Development
During Week 8


Week 8
Baby’s Growth

weight (g)

1 g

Length (cm)

1.6 cm

Approximate size

Kidney Bean.

How Big is Your Baby?

Your baby is now the size of a kidney bean.

The baby is growing fast with the formation of tiny eyelids, button nose, fingers and toes. This week, your baby’s embryonic tail disappears and the development leads to fetus form. Now, your little buddy takes a human-like form and gets ready to charm you in approximately 32 weeks. All the organs, nerves & muscles begin to function; eyelids develop to cover the eyes and the webbed appearance of the feet slowly changes. Your little one develops taste buds this week.

Baby’s Length: 1.6 cm

Baby’s Weight: 1 g

Mother’s Changing Body:
What to Expect


Although there is no visible bump, your uterus has increased twice its original size and presses down the urinary bladder to cause frequent urination.

By now, your breasts may have increased in size and require bigger bras to provide support.

Morning sickness and fatigue might exhaust you, so listen to your body and get enough rest to revive your body and mind.

8th Week Pregnancy Symptoms

This week, most pregnant women experience

According to some experts, morning sickness is a sign of a baby’s good health and usually disappears at the end of the first trimester (Week 13).

Pregnancy Tips for Week 8

  • Add more fibre-rich food to your diet to fight constipation. Consumption of fruits fights both morning sickness and constipation as it improves digestion.
  • Try to eat often but little at a time. This will keep your food craving, nausea and vomiting under control.
  • If you experience severe morning sickness, it is necessary to consult your gynaecologist
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