12 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms, Belly, Baby Size, Foods to Eat and Tips


Weeks to go!

12th Week Pregnancy Highlights

Time To (Re)Flex..

Your baby’s reflexes become active. Your baby can open and close arms, and curl toes.

Mom’s Turn Too

With your baby moving around so much, how can the mom be left behind! It’s time for you to start engaging in prenatal exercises and walks but do check with your doctor before you do!

Pregnancy Milestone

In week 12, you’ll soon complete your third month!

Your Baby’s Development
During Week 12


Week 12
Baby’s Growth

weight (g)

14 g

Length (cm)

5.4 cm

Approximate size


How Big is Your Baby?

Your baby is now the size of a lime.

This week, the baby has achieved a milestone of moving from the formation phase to the maintenance phase. All the vital organs and body systems were formed which will mature in the next 28 weeks. The basic brain structure is complete with the beginning of the pituitary gland and the bone marrow has started producing white blood cells. The baby’s eyes have moved to their final position and they will remain fused till week 27.

At present, the baby’s skeleton is made up of cartilage but it will soon harden up and become bones. By the end of this week, the kidneys will begin to excrete urine into the urinary bladder.

Baby’s Length: 5.4 cm

Baby’s Weight: 14 g

Mother’s Changing Body:
What to Expect


The surging pregnancy hormones can make you emotional throughout pregnancy.

You can also try buying maternity clothes to fit your growing body.

You may have a strong sense of smell and your morning cup of coffee might make you nauseated.

It is a good practice to avoid caffeinated drinks when you are pregnant.

12th Week Pregnancy Symptoms

At the cusp of your second trimester, most of the irritating symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, frequent urination etc., would be gone or diminished.

Pregnancy Tips for Week 12

  • The increased sense of smell during the first trimester may irk you. Open the windows for proper ventilation or keep a lemon piece nearby and sniff whenever you feel nauseated.
  • During your regular checkup, ask the gynaecologist to check for the baby’s heartbeat through an ultrasound procedure.
  • Take naps and regular breaks during the day to beat fatigue.
  • Do not miss your folic acid, iron and vitamin supplements as it contributes to your baby’s normal development.
  • Do not consume over-the-counter medications even for headaches. Consult your physician and take only prescribed medicines.
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