16 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms, Baby Development, Belly, Baby Size, Foods to Eat and Tips

16th Week Pregnancy Highlights

What’s That Flutter?

This will probably be the week when you might finally feel your baby’s kick. You’ll feel a flutter inside you that’ll start increasing in intensity from there on.

Time For A Babymoon!

The second trimester is considered to be a relatively safe period to travel. So, check with your doctor and plan your babymoon soon.

Pregnancy Milestone

At week 16, you’re in the fourth month!


Your Baby’s Development
During Week 16
Baby’s Growth

weight (g)

100 g

Length (cm)

11.6 cm

Approximate size


How Big is Your Baby?

This week your baby’s head is more erect than previous weeks. At the end of the 4th month, the baby shows rapid eyesight development along with facial muscles which will help to detect external light sources. Your junior’s circulatory system and urinary system are fully functional. Your baby is inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid through the lungs. The backbone and tiny muscles are getting stronger every day.

Baby’s Length: 11.6 cm

Baby’s Weight: 100 g

Mother’s Changing Body:
What to Expect


You may feel pain on the sides if you try to move suddenly; this is due to the ligaments on the sides of the uterus and pelvic walls that are stretching as the baby grows bigger. If the pain becomes worse, consult your gynecologist.

You may begin to put on a few extra pounds as the pregnancy progresses while some may lose weight; both are part of normal pregnancy routine. Embrace your weight gain and keep up with regular exercise and diet for a healthy childbirth.

16th Week Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy Tips for Week 16

  • Shop for exclusive clothes that will complement your pregnancy weight gain as well as make you feel comfortable.
  • Do not worry about baggy pregnancy clothes. There are many custom-made stretchable pregnancy clothes designed in contemporary fashion that are available in exclusive stores.
  • You can bust your stress by involving yourself into fun activities like taking photos of your tummy every week to track the growth difference. This is fun and also serves as a good memory of your pregnancy.
  • If the veins in your legs bulge, try to elevate your feet on a footrest and try some exercise to improve blood flow.
  • You can ask the gynecologist about your weight gain/loss along with other pregnancy related queries during your next consultation.

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