Health Check

The Benefits Of Predicting Your Final Menstrual Period

The Benefits Of Predicting Your Final Menstrual Period

Written By Niyati Pandya - January 16, 2024
Read Time - 4 min read

Most women in their mid-age have sought information from healthcare providers about when they will begin menopause.1

Menopause is a stage in a woman’s life when she naturally stops having her menstrual periods.2 This stage marks the end of her reproductive years and is known to occur between the age of 45 to 55 years.3 Ideally, menopause is said to be complete 12 months after your final menstrual period (FMP).3

However, this transitional period (perimenopause) leading up to your FMP and after can cause a lot of symptoms due to hormonal changes in your body. Therefore, it is best to know when you should expect your final menstrual period to be thoroughly prepared for the same.

Before we dive into other benefits of identifying the timeline of your FMP, let’s explore the world of perimenopause for a better understanding.

What Is Perimenopause?

The term “peri” stands for around or near in Greek.4 So perimenopause literally translates to the time near your menopause or menopausal transition. It is often referred to as the rocky road leading to menopause. Perimenopause can be defined as the time period when physiologic changes indicate the progression of a woman towards her final menstrual period.

Perimenopause can look vastly different for every woman. For some, it can last for a few months or even years.5 Moreover, some do not face any bothersome symptoms, while some may feel wiped out by heavy periods or exhausted by hot flashes. Approximately 90% of women consult their healthcare providers to seek advice on how to manage their menopausal symptoms during perimenopause.6

The experts suggest that most of these symptoms are caused by the decline of ovarian function with age.5 The release of hormones like estrogen decreases with the decline in ovarian reserve (number of eggs in the ovaries) leading to irregular menstrual periods.5

Some common symptoms of perimenopause include:7

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Loss of libido
  • Erratic mood swings
  • Brain fog/ problems with memory or concentration
  • Disturbed sleep cycle
  • Night sweats
  • Hot flashes
  • Hair loss

How To Predict Your FMP?

Now that you are aware of the signs and symptoms of perimenopause, let’s learn how to predict when you might have your final menstrual period.

Your reproductive hormones play a major role in the menopausal transition. Specifically, the anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) produced by the ovaries, serves as a great indicator of the timing of menopause and the final menstrual period.8

Primarily, AMH is a reliable marker of the number of eggs in the ovaries. It is also tested to identify conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).9 Recent research has revealed that measuring Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) levels can also provide a more accurate estimate of the final menstrual period in women in their 40s and 50s. It can be narrowed down to a range of 12 to 24 months.10

This hormone is known to be more accurate in predicting the FMP than other female reproductive hormones like FSH, estradiol, or inhibin.11 AMH test is also independent of your race, ethnicity, or BMI, making it a universal solution for identifying the FMP.11

Moreover, it is really simple to get your AMH levels tested. LifeCell’s at-home Perimenopause test helps predict your FMP by analysing the AMH levels through a blood test. Our test also measures the levels of your thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (fT4) to identify the root cause of your menopausal symptoms. In addition, you get expert-reviewed results within 3-5 days from the comfort of your home.

Benefits Of Identifying Your FMP

Predicting the timeline of your FMP can help you understand you will complete the menstrual transformation. Your timeline is influenced by a wide array of factors and is never the same for two women. People with different ethnic, social and economic backgrounds have different FMPs. In addition, habits like cigarette smoking can advance your final menstrual period by almost 2 years.12

Not just that, knowing an estimated time of your FMP also helps you cope with:

1. Symptoms Of Menopause

Symptoms of menopause like hot flashes and night sweats can cause major disruption in your health and lifestyle. It can augment fatigue and tiredness in women. Research shows that these symptoms only become more frequent when you are about to experience your FMP.13 Hence, testing your hormone levels to get an idea about when to expect your FMP can be helpful in seeking suitable care from your doctors in advance.

2. Decreasing Bone Mineral Density

Biological changes like accelerated bone loss precede FMP by at least a year and can continue for almost 2 years after your final menstrual period.14 You can start preventative treatment for the same if you are aware of your FMP.

3. Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors

The risk of cardiovascular diseases increases with age for every individual. However, women in the perimenopause stage are known to have greater arterial (blood vessel) stiffness.15 Such structural and functional changes during the menopausal transition impact their risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease later in life.

4. Depression

Women are more vulnerable to depression throughout the perimenopause stage. However, the risk is known to decrease after they have their final menstrual period.16 Therefore, determining the timeline of your final menstrual period (FMP) can provide a sense of clarity and positivity during a challenging time. Additionally, it can aid in making informed treatment decisions with the guidance of a healthcare provider.

Wrapping Up

As women enter their 40s, they may begin to experience perimenopausal symptoms. Being mindful of the changes happening in your body with advancing age and making healthy lifestyle choices can help minimize these symptoms. In addition, LifeCell’s at-home Perimenopause test measures 3 hormone levels (AMH, TSH &T4) to better understand the cause of your symptoms. The test also helps predict the timeline of your final menstrual period, thereby allowing you to efficiently prepare for the transition into menopause.



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