Stem Cell Storage

Why Choose LifeCell Stem Cell Banking In India Over Other Stem Cell Banks?

Written By Samyukta Nagabhushana - July 01, 2024
Read Time - 4 min read

In this insightful blog, we embark on a journey of helping you make informed decisions about stem cell banking in India. As diligent and caring parents, we understand your desire to explore and compare options to ensure the best for you and your little bundle of joy on the way. So why not do the same when it comes to preserving your baby's stem cells? In this article, we explore the banking models—Private, Public, and Community—to provide you a comprehensive understanding that will help you choose the right stem cell bank for your baby's umbilical cord blood. Let's delve into the world of stem cell banking and equip you with the knowledge to make the best decision for your family's future health.

To get started, let's grasp the fundamentals of the stem cell banking model.

Private Stem Cell Banking In India

Private stem cell banking in India involves a fee for processing and storing the umbilical cord blood of a newborn, which varies among different banks. Opting for private blood banks guarantees exclusive access to the stored stem cells for your family's use. Private banks prove advantageous for families with a medical history that indicates potential treatment with stem cells. Additionally, having a family member (like the baby’s sibling) in need of a stem cell transplant further underscores the benefits of private stem cell banking 1. However, the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) advises Indian families to store their baby's cord blood stem cells in public banks instead 2. The likelihood of the baby using its own stem cells (autologous) is less than 0.04% 3. Currently, autologous cord stem cells cannot be used for treating metabolic disorders, hematological cancers, or genetic diseases. 

Now let’s understand how public stem cell banking in India works.  

Public Stem Cell Banking In India

Public stem cell banks in India can be considered as expansive donation centers where you generously contribute your baby's cord blood to potentially save the life of an unrelated person. Healthcare professionals widely endorse donating cord blood to public banks due to its altruistic nature and zero risk to you. With thousands of individuals in need of stem cell donations annually, the stem cells available in public banks serve as a valuable resource accessible to anyone who is a suitable match 1

Having learned about both private and public stem cell banking, let's delve into the realm of community stem cell banking in India and its workings.   

LifeCell - Community Stem Cell Banking In India 

LifeCell's Community Stem Cell Banking in India, bridges the gap between the exclusivity of a private bank and the shared resources of a public bank, offering a unique combination of benefits.

In fact, LifeCell is the sole national provider of a unique Community Stem Cell Banking program in India for cord blood storage. Combining elements from public and private banking models, this program offers parents the opportunity to preserve their baby's stem cells at a reasonable annual fee. These stem cells are pooled together and can be accessed by parents and the other members of the community without any additional charges.

Here is how LifeCell's Community Stem Cell Banking in India effectively tackles the challenges commonly encountered by both Private and Public stem cell banks.

Huge Inventory:

LifeCell takes pride in its expansive inventory, comprising more than 75,000 qualified and consented cord blood units, a notable contrast to the 6,500 units typically found in public inventories.

Finding A Suitable Ethnic Stem Cell Match:

According to experts, in order for an Indian patient to have a greater than 97% chance of finding a suitable donor match, the inventory size should be at least 50,000 cord blood units. With LifeCell's inventory of over 75,000 qualified and consented cord blood units, the chances of finding a good match for Indian ethnicity are significantly improved 4, 5.

Multiple Plans Tailored To Your Convenience:

LifeCell offers parents three extremely affordable plans for stem cell banking in India- BabyCord 1 Year (Annual payment for stem cell storage), BabyCord 21 Years (One time payment for stem cell storage) and BabyCord 75 years (Store stem cells for a Lifetime). The collected stem cells are tested for 19 parameters and are stored in either of our two storage facilities (Chennai & Gurugram). LifeCell also offers transplant support with a financial assistance of up to 20 lakhs for each  to treat for over 90+ conditions. Not to forget the free add-ons and special offers! 

Added Benefits: Get More Than What You Asked For: 


LifeCell also offers exclusive stem cell banking program benefits to the members of its community. Familyfloater is one such add-on service, where the benefits of stem cell banking can also be extended to the parents’ biological siblings, their kids (>2 years) and their spouse.  

Here are the benefits of Familyfloater:

  • Coverage: Lifetime benefits of stem cell banking can be extended to family members.
  • Treatment: Can treat more than 82+ medical conditions
  • Huge Inventory: Gain access to 75k+ community cord blood units 
  • Unmatched Assurance: 97% of finding a matching unit for Indian patients
  • Quick Accessibility: Free shipping of matched units across the globe
  • Unlimited Retrievals: Sample retrievals at no extra cost
  • Quality and Safety Assurance: Guarantee of quality and disaster relief support along with genetic profiling of all stem cell units before release


As mentioned, our members benefit from a remarkable >97% chance of finding a donor match and access to over 75,000+ qualified cord blood units in the LifeCell community registry. Additionally, with StemMatch, they can instantly obtain information about the precise number of available perfect, good and acceptable HLA matching cord blood stem cell units in the LifeCell community inventory. StemMatch will help you be prepared to make informed healthcare decisions in case the need ever arises. 

What's more? 

  • It can be availed by any family member
  • You can save time on testing and matching at the time of a stem cell transplant
  • FREE annual updates every year

Parting Thoughts!

In conclusion, LifeCell's Community Stem Cell Banking in India offers a unique and comprehensive solution for parents seeking to preserve their baby's stem cells. With an expansive inventory, affordable plans, and exclusive benefits like the Familyfloater and StemMatch, LifeCell ensures that families have access to a wide range of resources and support for potential future healthcare needs. By choosing LifeCell, parents can make a confident decision to secure their child's health, along with the health of their entire family, while also contributing to the well-being of the community as a whole.

We are here to help

Your family’s healthy future is now in your hands. Become a LifeCell member and avail numerous benefits such as pocket-friendly plans, financial assistance unlimited retrievals and double the protection for your baby’s previous stem cells. If you have any further questions, we would love to hear from you!
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