Health & Nutrition

Which Fruits Should Be Avoided During Pregnancy

Written By Shaheen Naser - September 18, 2024
Read Time - 3 min read

Pregnancy is a beautiful experience for women and you must take utmost care during this delicate phase of your life. From deciding on which product you can safely apply to your skin to deciding what goes inside your body - every step in this beautiful journey must be taken with great care and caution.

It goes without saying that all your near and dear ones will be equally excited for this special phase in your life. And when you’re pregnant, it’s normal to be surrounded by your friends and family who shower you with love, blessings, and of course, the never-ending list of pregnancy-related advice. But, it’s not necessary that each advice coming your way is right, or for that matter, ‘scientifically–accurate’ for you and your baby. 

Nonetheless, while you may choose to avoid most of those ‘unasked intervention’ in your pregnancy, it’s difficult to ignore certain conversations when it comes to some “pregnancy don’ts” and how they can negatively affect you and your child. Foods, beverages and fruits to avoid during pregnancy often tops the list in such conversations! 

Why Should You Avoid Eating Some Fruits During Pregnancy?

Should pregnant women really steer clear of eating certain fruits during pregnancy? But aren’t fruits supposed to be loaded with health benefits otherwise? Can eating some fruits really have a negative impact on your pregnancy? Let’s find out! 

Consuming fruits during pregnancy generally supplies various essential nutrients to the expecting mother as well as the little life growing inside her. That said, pregnant or not, you must always remember to wash the fruits thoroughly before consumption to eliminate soil, harmful bacteria, disease-causing organisms or pesticides from them.

Coming back to the topic at hand - although no studies or research really conclude that the consumption of any fruit is unsafe for pregnant women, some fruits have been linked to causing miscarriages more than others. In fact, some doctors also advise pregnant women to refrain from eating certain fruits to avoid any complications in their pregnancy.

Top 3 Fruits To Avoid During Pregnancy 

Now, let us take a quick look at some fruits that often top the list of fruits to avoid in pregnancy.

1. Pineapple
 Pineapple is one of the main fruits to Avoid during pregnancy

Pineapple ranks high on the list of fruits to avoid during the initial days of pregnancy. This is because of an enzyme called bromelain present in the fruit. When consumed in excess, bromelain has been linked to uterine bleeding and heavy menstruation. Furthermore, pineapples are also found to have uterotonic properties that can trigger uterine contractions. Now you know why this thorny wonder isn’t much of a favorite among the pregnant lot!  4,5

2. Papayas

 Pappaya is the second most important fruits to avoid during pregnancy

This ‘tropical beauty’ is another fruit to avoid in pregnancy. While papayas are nutrient-rich, the fruit is rich in latex, which may lead to uterine muscle contractions. Wondering what ‘latex’ is? It’s the white fluid that oozes out of papaya skin when you cut it. Studies reveal that consumption of ripe papaya may not pose much of a threat to any pregnancy as they contain latex in lower amounts. But, unripe or semi-ripe papaya containing higher concentrations of latex is unsafe and should be avoided during pregnancy.6

3. Polyphenol-Rich Fruits - Oranges, Grapes & More!

Polyphenol is the third important fruits to avoid during pregnancy

Now, this one is quite tricky! The only reason these fruits have made it into this list is because they’re a rich source of polyphenols - a naturally occurring organic compound in plants. Fruits that contain polyphenols like berries, strawberries, prunes, and of course grapes and oranges have extremely powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Now, isn’t that a good thing? Apparently, not. While polyphenol-rich fruits may be a great choice for your health in general, things take a drastic turn when you’re pregnant. Eating fruits with powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in the later stages of pregnancy, especially the last trimester, may prove to be fatal for the fetal health.7

Nonetheless, while you steer clear of the fruits discussed above, there are many you can still eat while expecting. Let’s find out more about them in the next section.

The Best Fruits During Pregnancy: Names & Their Health Benefits

Some of the best fruits to eat during pregnancy include apples, bananas and mangoes. They’re loaded with multiple vitamins & minerals which are crucial for a healthy pregnancy. However, it’s best to enjoy them in moderation.8 9 That said, let’s explore a bit more about the benefits of each of these fruits.

Apples: Being high in fibre & loaded with vitamins like vitamin A & vitamin C, it boosts both maternal & fetal health.

Bananas: Bananas are a good source of potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and fibre. Adding them to your diet can not only ease constipation but also help with early pregnancy nausea.

Pomegranate: Pomegranate juice in particular has been found beneficial in preventing preeclampsia, growth restriction, and preterm birth when consumed during pregnancy.10

A Concluding Note!

Despite it all, always remember that fruits make up an integral part of your pregnancy diet. So, while you may steer clear of, or moderately eat the fruits discussed above, ensure you’re getting enough of these ‘natural desserts’ from other sources! And of course, make sure to get the green signal from your doctor before setting out on any dietary adventure during pregnancy.


Q1. How Much Fruit Should A Pregnant Woman Eat Per Day?

Pregnant women are advised to eat 2 portions of fruits. However, ensure that the fruits are thoroughly washed before cutting and fit for consumption. 10

Q2. When Is The Best Time To Eat Fruits During Pregnancy?

There’s no proven specific time of the day to eat fruits during pregnancy. But yes, try consuming fruits before a meal, as it helps in regulating your appetite. 11

Q3. What Fruit Is Best At Night?

Kiwifruits and tart cherries are found to work quite well in aiding sleep, and hence can be taken in the night.12

Q4. When Should A Pregnant Woman Start Eating Fruit? 

Women can start eating fruits before conceiving, and continue eating them throughout the pregnancy to avoid developmental delays in their child. 13



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