Stem Cell Storage

Top Stem Cell Banks In India

Written By Tanya Khanna - January 28, 2025
Read Time - 5 min read

Stem cells are the primary and master cells that serve as a repair system for the body. They have the potential to develop into many different types of cells, which perform various specialized functions. These could be blood cells, brain cells, heart muscle cells or bone cells. In fact, no other cell in our body has the capability to produce new cell types. Nowadays, many expecting parents are opting to preserve their baby’s stem cells as they understand their potential in regenerative treatments and therapies (generation of healthy cells to replace cells affected by disease). Offering great promises and hope for new medical treatments, stem cell banking or cord blood banking has emerged as a great benefit to human life. 1 

If you're an expectant parent looking for a reliable stem cell bank, don't worry, we're here to help. We have curated a list of the top 10 stem cell banks in India that will surely make your search easy!

Types of Stem Cell Banks in India

There are two types of stem cell banks in India: 2, 3

  • Private stem cell  banks
  • Public stem cell banks

Private Stem Cell Banks

In Private stem cell banks, parents preserve their baby's cord blood to ensure its availability for future use. This is one of the forms of "biological insurance", where child or an immediate family member can use stem cells. However, as part of the consensus statement (2018) on Umbilical Cord Blood Banking, the Indian Academy of Paediatrics encourages public cord blood banking over private banking. 

Storing umbilical cord stem cells with private banks is only recommended when a family member or baby is suffering from a medical condition that can only be treated by their own stem cells. In such cases, private stem cell banking may be a viable option. 2, 3

Public Stem Cell Banks

Public cord blood banks operate on the concept of donation and can utilize donated samples of stem cells for research purposes. These banks are highly recommended for storing umbilical cord blood for use in transplantation, immune therapies, or other medically validated treatments. It is suggested that all families, regardless of ethnicity and race, consider the societal benefits of donating to public stem cell banks.

By donating cord blood to public banks, we can increase the availability of matched stem cell units for people of all backgrounds. This can significantly improve the chances of finding a suitable match for those in need of a transplant.3

Have You Heard About Community Stem Cell Banks?

Community stem cell banking, pioneered by LifeCell in India, is a unique approach where umbilical cord stem cells are added to a shared community pool. This allows for the exclusive sharing of preserved stem cells among community members. In the event of a medical need, members of the community stem cell bank can access all the units stored in the pool, providing protection not only for the baby but also for immediate family members against all medical conditions treatable by stem cells.

Community stem cell banking offers several benefits that may not be available in private or public cord blood banking. These benefits include protection from all medical conditions treatable by stem cells, complete family protection, and unlimited sample retrievals at no additional cost. LifeCell International is the largest stem cell bank in India and the third-largest in the world, providing a comprehensive community stem cell banking model with unique advantages such as a larger pool of stem cells and comprehensive testing and screening for safety and quality.

List Of Top Stem Cell Banks In India4

If you’re looking for options to preserve your baby’s stem cells, we've curated a list of top 10 stem cell banks in India. Let's get started.  

1. LifeCell International Pvt. Ltd.

Established in 2004, LifeCell International is India's No.1 stem cell bank. With two high-tech infrastructure and facilities located at Chennai (Tamil Nadu) and Gurugram (Haryana), LifeCell is the go-to choice for more than 4,00,000 parents. By preserving your baby’s stem cells with LifeCell, you unlock direct access to 75,000+ qualified cord blood units for your entire family. This number ensures that you have a >97% chance of finding a match in LifeCell’s community registry, if the need arises. Moreover, selecting LifeCell's community banking program grants you the added benefit of receiving financial aid up to Rs. 20,00,000 and unlimited sample retrievals at no  additional costs. 5

2. CryoViva Biotech India Pvt. Ltd.

Established in 2006, CryoViva Biotech India Pvt. Ltd. is a privately held stem cell bank in India. Headquartered in Gurugram, India, CryoViva works towards the preservation of umbilical cord blood stem cells for family use. 6

3. Cordlife Sciences India Pvt Ltd.

Cordlife India, a subsidiary of Cordlife Group Limited, was founded in May 2001 and is a leading company in private stem cell banking. Cordlife operates in six countries, including Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, and India. 7

4. Biocell

Established in 2009, Regrow Biosciences Pvt. Ltd., also known as BioCell, is a private stem cell bank in India. Biocell provides umbilical cord stem cell banking services in Maharashtra and several other parts of India. 8   

5. Cryo StemCell 

Operational since 2003, Cryo StemCell is India's first family stem cell bank, which works towards the preservation of cord blood cells and stem cell research. 9

6. Cryovault Biotech Pvt. Ltd. 

Founded in 2015, Cryovault Biotech is accredited and licensed by the IFDA, DCGI, ANSI, and ISO 9001. The lab is located in India’s silicon valley Bangalore, offering the best before and after sales services. 10

7. Novacord

Novacord is the outcome of a collaboration between Totipotent RX and Fortis Healthcare. Their GMP facility is located in Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram (multi-super specialty) offering expertise in both stem cell banking and treatments using advanced cellular technology. 11

8. Ree Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.

Founded in 2010, Ree Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. (ReeLabs), is a family (private) cord blood bank. ReeLabs works for the collection and preservation of stem cells from numerous sources, including Umbilical Cord Blood, Cord, Placenta, Amniotic Sac, Amniotic Fluid, Bone Marrow, Adipose Tissue, and Menstrual Blood. 12

9. Reliance Life Sciences 

Reliance Life Sciences began cord blood banking in 2002. It was the first repository to be set up in India and South Asia. Reliance Life Sciences offers banking services for cord blood, umbilical cord, and cord tissue - derived mesenchymal stem cells. 13

10. StemPlus Cryopreservation Pvt Ltd.

Located in Sangli, Maharashtra, StemPlus Cryopreservation was founded in 2012 with an aim to make stem cell banking affordable to every parent. While creating its potential applications, especially in rural areas, StemPlus preserves cord tissue, cord blood, placenta, urine-derived stem cells and provides treatments to the patients.  14

11. Stemcyte India Therapeutics Pvt. Ltd. 

Stemcyte India is a joint venture of Stemcyte INC., Apollo Hospital Enterprises Ltd., and Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd. It is headquartered in Gujarat and was established in 2008 with the motto, "It's not just about saving blood… It's about saving lives." 15 

The Final Word

Choosing the best stem cell bank in India is a crucial decision that should not be made hastily. Before finalizing a stem cell bank to preserve your baby's stem cells, there are several factors you should consider. It is important to take the time to ensure that the bank has the necessary accreditations and licensing requirements, as well as adequate transit and safety standards. Additionally, it is important to verify that the bank follows testing and processing protocols that adhere to the regulatory authorities guidelines. 

We hope this blog has provided sufficient information about stem cell banking and the available options. For more information, please call 1800 266 5533.

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