32 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Baby Position, Weight, Movement, Size, Complications

32nd Week Pregnancy Highlights

Kicks Galore

Your baby will kick a lot during this week, to the point where it might hurt you a bit. Try lying down on your sides to get some relief.

Am I In Labor Already?

This week you might start experiencing contractions similar to labor pains. But before you panic, let us tell you that these are Braxton-Hicks contractions, or false labor, and is a normal pregnancy occurrence.

Pregnancy Milestone

At week 32, you’re in the eighth month.

Your Baby’s Development During Week 32


Week 32
Baby’s Growth

weight (kg)

1.7 kg

Length (cm)

42.4 cm

Approximate size


How Big is Your Baby?

All the major organs of your baby will be fully developed by this week except for the lungs. This means, even if your baby is born this week, the chances of survival are great; such a relief, huh? This week, the baby tends to spend more time sleeping and practicing survival techniques such as breathing, swallowing, etc. As more and more fat accumulates under the baby’s skin, it becomes more opaque and also soft & smooth.

Baby’s Length: 42.4 cm

Baby’s Weight: 1.7 Kg

Mother’s Changing Body: What to Expect


Apart from the expanding uterus, you may begin to experience Braxton-Hicks contractions, a pre-rehearsal irregular contraction practice. Here, the uterus gets hardened and feels like a tightening sensation that begins on the uterus and spreads downwards, for about 15 – 30 seconds. This is the way your body is preparing you for the big day so relax and try to participate in the rehearsal.

32nd Week Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy Tips for Week 32


This is a preconception phase and you need to take better care of yourself to ensure a smooth pregnancy. Therefore, you should:

  • At this stage, it is necessary to learn the signs of labour through your gynecologist, mother or even books about pregnancy. This will help you identify false alarms from real contractions.
  • Do not skip your doctor appointments because this is the right time to check your baby’s health regularly. Attend these checkups with your spouse for emotional support.
  • To avoid itchy belly, try to use moisturizer as often as required to smoothen your dry skin.
  • Eat healthy, sleep regularly, avoid stress and have your daily dose of yoga or walking to maintain health and avoid any complications.

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